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2:29 p.m. - 2005-06-05
Late nights and pretzels
It's Sunday, I was up way too late last night. Actually it was about 2:30 A.M. this morning when I went to bed. It was so hot, my husband turned the air on and we put a fan in the bedroom to blow air over us. Heavenly...we have a sleigh bed which is up about as high as a pool table so the air really blows across my skin. I love it!!! BUT...I slept in way to late this morning which means I will have trouble sleeping tonight. OH WELL, shit happens. LOL

I am feeling lazy today. I should eat something good for me but will probably finish off the pretzels from last weekend...No, I am still not on my low carbo diet yet.

My son and daughter in law came over yesterday. They are buying their first house together...they are so excited as are we. The mortgage company called them Friday to say everything is completed and if the seller is willing, the closing can be moved up. Son and DIL and her two daughters are packing up the apt as we speak and counting down the days. My husband and I bought them some outside items, i.e. mower, rakes, gloves, hose. I just happened to see a snowblower at a garage sale as I was driving home from the library yesterday. Husband and son went to see it, it was new this year, still had the tags on it and didn't look like it had been used much. They got it for $200 and it was listed at $289 on the tag. Husband checked online and the prices are higher now and this model isn't available either. So we feel like we have them all set for summer and winter. We have bought them things since they got married and I know they appreciate them but it can be a bit overwhelming to DIL. She is just not used to being taken care of and marvels that we have accepted her as a daughter. That is another long story for another day. Let me just say that when they dated about 10 years ago, we wanted them to get married. It wasn't the right time for them. We were so thrilled when they got back together and finally she admitted she loved him enough to try marriage despite a bad first marriage with her ex. We felt like we had given birth to our own daughter.

Well, I guess the pretzels have won out, my stomach is growling and I have a great book to read. More next time.

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